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The Rise of Fidel Castro: The Story of the Cuban Revolution

 The Cuban Revolution was a seismic event in the history of the Western Hemisphere, a dramatic and inspiring tale of a small island nation that stood up against a powerful neighbor and won. In 1959, a charismatic young leader named Fidel Castro, alongside his brother Raul and the legendary guerrilla fighter Che Guevara, led a ragtag group of rebels to victory over the corrupt and tyrannical government of Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. What was Cuban Revolution? The Cuban Revolution was a political and social revolution that took place in Cuba from 1953 to 1959. The revolution was led by Fidel Castro, who formed a rebel army and overthrew the government of Cuban President Fulgencio Batista. The revolution was driven by a number of factors, including widespread poverty and inequality, political corruption, and dissatisfaction with the authoritarian rule of Batista. Castro's rebels, known as the 26th of July Movement, fought against the government's forces for several years, wi

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